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Grant Professionals Association

Association Partner 

Management Concepts is proud to partner with the Grant Professionals Association (GPA), supporting  GPA’s commitment to high-quality education for their members. Management Concepts grants curriculum serves federal grants managers, pass-through entities, and recipient organizations, with over 30 courses in our grants portfolio, and premium content available to GPA members.

GPA logo


GPA GrantSummit

November 1-4, 2023 | Kansas City, MO 

Management Concepts is proud to sponsor the 25th Anniversary Reception at the GPA GrantSummit, and greet Summit attendees at our booth in the exhibit hall. Learn about our many new courses for grant professionals, as well as instructor and SME opportunities.


Visit Our Booth

Stop by our booth for information on our newest courses to support your professional development.

Whether you are a federal employee, work for a pass-through entity or recipient organization, Management Concepts can provide the solid foundation you need in grants requirements, regulations, and best practices. Enroll in our Grants Management Certificate Program™,  the grants industry standard for comprehensive professional education, or earn continuing education credits to maintain your existing certifications. Visit Grants & Assistance  to browse our courses and tracks.

Interested in instructor or subject matter expert opportunities? Download an overview for instructors or SMEs, or visit the Management Concepts career page for more information.



Talk to our staff onsite to discuss options available to enhance your career and help your organization achieve its mission.

Sarah Hluchan

Sarah Hluchan
Product Management Director, Grants & Assistance

Vera Medici

Vera Medici
Senior Marketing Manager, Partnerships & Events

Julaiti Nilupaer

Julaiti Nilupaer
Events Operations Specialist

Janaya Davis

Janaya Davis
Business Development Manager

Ashleigh Johnson

Ashleigh Johnson
Business Development Manager


GPA Annual Conference

November 2-5, 2022 | Louisville, KY & Virtual

Management Concepts had a great time reconnecting with the grants community at the 2022 Annual Conference, from our bustling booth in the exhibit hall to our popular session "Stop Screaming Into the Void: Cultivating Productive Relationships with Federal Grantors."

Read the recap "Off to the Races: GPA Annual Conference ’22" on the blog.

View photos on our Facebook page.


GPA Annual Conference

November 3-6, 2021 | Seattle, WA & Virtual

Management Concepts was pleased to see our grants friends online and in person at the 2021 Annual Conference.

Read the recap "GPA Annual Conference 2021: Going Places" on the blog.


2nd Annual Partnership Appreciation Holiday Charity Social

December 16, 2020 | Virtual

2020 was a remarkable year, and while we couldn’t mingle in person, we were pleased that hosting the happy hour virtually enabled more of our partnership members, who are spread out across the country, to join us.

Chief Executive Officer Mike Chamberlain spoke to attendees on behalf of GPA.

For our charity selection for 2020, we encouraged our partnership members to donate to their local food banks to support those in need in their own communities.

View photos  from the 2020 Partnership Appreciation Holiday Charity Social on our Facebook page.

Holiday Special

GPA Annual Conference

November 4-6, 2020

Management Concepts was pleased to attend and exhibit at the first ever virtual GPA Annual Conference. While we wished we could have interacted with our grants friends in person, we still enjoyed conversations at our virtual booth and interactions in other educational and networking sessions.

As in past years, all Management Concepts grants courses are available online, but this year that made our training courses all the more valuable. Browse our Grants & Assistance courses for federal, pass-through, and recipient organizations.

Read the conference recap on the blog.

GPA Conference

1st Annual Partnership Appreciation Holiday Charity Social

December 12, 2019

Management Concepts was pleased to recognize the hard work and dedication of all of our partner organizations — including GPA — by hosting our first-ever partnership appreciation event. All members of our partner organizations were invited to attend and enjoy an evening of refreshments, networking, and festivities, while also supporting a good cause. This year we selected So Others Might Eat (S.O.M.E.) . We raised money and collected much-needed non-perishable food and toiletry items to help fight homelessness and poverty.

View photos  from the Holiday Charity Social on our Facebook page.

1st Annual Partnership Appreciation Holiday Charity Social

GPA Annual Conference

November 6-9, 2019

Management Concepts exhibited and presented a session at the 2019 GPA Annual Conference in Washington, DC. It was great to reconnect with GPA members from across the country and welcome them to our hometown.

In our Federal Grants Update session, “Uniform Guidance: What’s New and What’s Next,” our expert instructor and SME, Karen Norris, presented the many changes concerning the Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 updates, implementation of 426 data elements, and the shift to

Read more on our blog:
Grants Uniform Guidance Updates — What you need to know (published January 23, 2020)
Getting it Right – Federal Grant Time and Effort Reporting (published October 15, 2019)
Suffering from #NGMA2019 and OMB Overload? (published May 9, 2019)

GPA Annual Conference

GPA Annual Conference

November 7-10, 2018

The 2018 GPA Annual Conference took place in chilly Chicago, IL, and our promotional winter gloves were a great success! But it wasn’t just the giveaways that brought GPA members to our booth. We were busy informing attendees about the variety of grants course offerings available, while also affording them an opportunity to speak one-on-one with our two presenters.

Lahaja Furaha, Practice Director, Human Capital Services, presented “Culture — A Driver of Organizational Performance and Engagement” incorporating interactive elements throughout the session, which engaged the audience and brought a lot of energy to an early Friday morning session.

Erica Preston, Product Director for Grants, employed her usual tongue-in-cheek humor in her session “Washington: Swimming through the Federal Grants Swamp,” which included the latest developments and ins-and-outs of grant management in the federal government.

Read the conference recap on the blog >>

GPA Annual Conference