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Take Individual Contributors, Teams, and Entire Agencies Further

Meet your organization’s coaching and development needs to make the most impact—agency-wide.

Coaching or Mentoring: There Is a Difference

Coaches and mentors are both in the business of helping individuals achieve their goals.


Coaching focuses on taking a client’s experience in the workplace and helping them develop strategies and action plans that will positively affect their professional development. A coach holds the client responsible for finding answers to their own challenges and defining their own path forward.


Mentoring focuses on transferring knowledge from an experienced professional to another employee for the purpose of their career development. A mentor assesses and advises mentees, and they may help the client build their network or focus on role-specific knowledge based on the mentor’s wealth of experience. Mentoring is ideal for organizations looking to pass along institutional and professional knowledge from one generation to another.

Some Key Differences between Coaching and Mentoring

Coaches Mentors
Ask questions Ask questions
Listen Listen
Stay objective and neutral about the client’s choices Share a personal point of view based on one’s own values, perspective, and experience
Seek to elicit answers from the client by inviting them to reflect and experiment with ideas Advise and make recommendations to the mentee based on their own experience
Offer the client ideas, reading, and resources to make distinctions externally and internally Offer the mentee organizational and network resources or opportunities

Credits to ICF

Perspectives on Coaching and Mentoring

Discover an expert overview into all that coaching and mentoring programs have to offer.

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Proven Effective

Our framework for coaching and mentoring is deeply rooted in industry best practices as well as optimal methodologies, project management, and customer service.

Qualified and Credentialed

Our cadre of more than 80 coaches has a variety of backgrounds and is credentialed through the International Coach Federation, ACC, PPC, and MCC.

Positive Outcomes Through Coaching

Explore how we help agencies elevate promising potential leaders and increase their overall pipeline of leaders.


Employ a Consultative and Customer-Centric Approach

One of our strengths and differentiators is that we evaluate and understand the organizational current state and desired goals before a large-scale coaching program initiates.

Our Process


Understand Organizational Needs


Define Coach Program Goals and Measurements


Implement Coaching Program


Evaluate and Assess

Federally-Focused Coaching Packages

Sign up your staff now for career momentum through our coaching packages. Each option provides three coaching sessions designed specifically for federal agency employees – all to enhance their professional possibilities with unmatched expert guidance.

Associate Certified Coach Package

This level of coach is ideal for GS-12 and below for government employees or individual contributors moving to their first supervisory role.

$1,260.77 for 3 Sessions

Professional Certified Coach Package

This level of coach is targeted for GS-13 to first-time GS-15 professionals or experienced managers to Director-level professionals.

$1,478.84 for 3 Sessions

Master Certified Coach Package

This level of coaching is reserved for experienced GS-15 and above professionals or first-time executives to C-Suite professionals.

$1,772.82 for 3 Sessions

Contact us today to explore these exciting coaching options. Call 800.506.4450 or fill out the form below to start.

Mentoring Program Structure

Assessment Phase

Gauge current organizational coaching and mentoring conditions.

Mentoring Program

Develop a customized program to meet your needs.

Ongoing Evaluation

Monitor program effectiveness.

Ready To Start?

Complete the form to start your coaching and mentoring journey with Management Concepts. Expand the career potential of any member of your organization and leverage our focused and intensive coaching and mentoring solutions to elevate your human development initiatives, agency-wide.